About John Koon, Research Journalist



About John Koon, Research Journalist

John Koon is currently engaged in research and publication on emerging technologies. He has served as the Editor-in-Chief of two different magazines and has published numerous technical articles, blogs, case studies, and eBooks. His research areas include aviation, AI, autonomous driving, robotics, automation, medical innovations, wireless technology (including 5G and low-power WAN), Fog Computing (beyond cloud) and edge, IoT, NB-IoT, LoRaWAN, cybersecurity, blockchain, M2M, software, aerospace, manufacturing, semiconductor, power, and COTS advancements. He holds a BS in Engineering from California State Polytechnic University, Pomona, and an MBA from San Diego State University, with 20 + years of management experience.


Recent article: How 5G impacts future IoT development











John Koon Interview Responses:

What was your first job as a journalist? My journey to becoming a journalist was quite unexpected. While attending Cal Poly Pomona, I worked part-time as a technician. My initial goal was to become a chief engineer. However, I soon discovered the many facets of the industry beyond design, such as production and marketing. This led me to pursue an education in marketing at San Diego State University. After years in engineering and marketing, I began writing articles in my spare time. Before becoming a freelance writer, I worked for a small marketing company that owned two magazines. In marketing, I created content for clients like Microsoft and Intel and helped produce custom magazines. When the editor-in-chief of the embedded magazine retired, I was asked to take over. Later, I also took over the second magazine when its editor-in-chief left. This marked the beginning of my writing journey.

Have you ever used a typewriter? A long time ago.

What does it mean to be a journalist? Journalists cover a wide range of topics in various forms. Some write daily blogs, while others produce long articles. Subjects include music, entertainment, food, travel, science, technology, philosophy, geography, politics, etc. A journalist must be faithful to their calling. In news reporting, this means being objective and timely. In technology, content should be educational, relevant, and engaging. Journalists can choose to focus on depth or breadth. I once spoke to a writer who described his work as "a mile long and an inch deep." Others write 4,000 words on one single technology.

How do you prefer to be pitched on stories? Email: john@techidea.com

What tools and software do you use to do your job? I automate my research and reporting processes as much as possible. I use Dragon Naturally Speaking for auto-typing and Otter.ai to record interviews for later quotation and editing. For research, I rely on Google and Microsoft Edge. Occasionally, I use ChatGPT to answer specific questions. I'm writing multiple e-books and hope to use AI assistance for layout. However, AI is still relatively primitive and not easy to use. My goal in 2025 is to investigate how I can put AI to practical use.

Did you work for your high school newspaper? If so, what did you do there? No.

What story are you most proud of writing or working on? To be announced.

When's the best time to pitch you? Email anytime.

What's the best pitch you ever got? When Wi-SUN Alliance wanted to create an e-book to engage their members.

What's the worst pitch you ever got? It's a poorly written press release without a clear call to action.

What's your favorite drink? I enjoy Milo and Ovaltine. The UK Ovaltine formula differs from the US version, and I prefer the former. For dinner, I occasionally have a bit of red wine. I'm still not accustomed to white wine and what it pairs with—perhaps seafood? I drink coffee once in a blue moon.



Where will you most likely be when you're not at a computer? I often use pen and paper to jot down ideas, as it helps me think better than staring at a screen. Additionally, I enjoy hiking. Despite living in San Diego for many years, I discovered many new trails during the COVID-19 lock down. My wife and I now explore new trails, especially those with ocean views. The changing tides create different and ever-changing scenery.



Aside from your own, what's your favorite publication to read? Tech Briefs, MDDI and EE Times.


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John Koon Publications: https://muckrack.com/john-koon/articles